

Disaster Area
DISASTER Delivery Service
Name Disaster Area
Ticker DISA
Alliance DISASTER Delivery Service
Faction -
Ceo Hotblack
Members 102
Tax Rate 4%
corporationID 772638496

Members [102]


u'Now accepting applications!

Founded in YC106 by Hotblack, a Caldari businessman and entrepreneur, Disaster Area inc. is the executive branch of Disaster Delivery Service - a galaxy-spanning business venture composed of smaller companies focusing on activities including mining, security, manufacturing products for the average capsuleer consumer, as well as experimental R&D, Citadel and planetary construction efforts in uncharted wormhole systems.

We are currently hiring able capsuleers for a myriad of positions depending on skill, aspirations, and ability to lead. If interested, contact your local DISA office or send an inquiry to our corporation or alliance diplomats:

CEO: Wadd Enderas
Director Group:
- Stelko
- Kal Ikthor
- iloo
- Maestodon

Middle Managemnt Group:
- Jurik Tivianne
- DefinitelyNotNASA

Public Channel: Disaster Tavern
Recruitment Channel: DISA Recruitment

We offer:
\u2605 Ship replacement program
\u2605 T1 frigates and mining vessels
\u2605 PVP vessels T1 cruiser and down
\u2605 T2 and larger ships will come later
\u2605 Organized Mining Ops with an experienced fleet commander.
\u2605 Exploration/Wormhole space
\u2605 Ore buyout program
\u2605 Our player base is EU and US timezone
\u2605 Friendly environment
\u2605 We understand the concept of "Real Life"

We have no minimum skillpoint requirement, are new player friendly, and we gladly help you prosper in this great world of New Eden.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 02:06:15
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