

Disillusioned Perfection Syndicate
Name Disillusioned Perfection Syndicate
Ticker D-P-S
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lady Darla
Members 21
Tax Rate 20%
corporationID 397497113

Members [21]


D-P-S is a socialistic community dediated to giving everything to the corporation, so the corporation can give its members everything they need.

We are seperated into seven divisions, to cover the major aspects of the game, and even supply corp members with skill books and ships wen they are able to access new types of ships.

Due to the nature of this corporation, we have a high tax rate. This is to allow us to better fund the divisions that support everyone with what they need, from ships, to skills, to modules, to riggings.

Accounting - This division is dedicated to keeping our budgets in good order, and keeping an eye on the bottom line. They will be responsible for auditing the division wallets and ensuring that people aren't taking things out without justification.

Technology - The technology division is dedicated to ensuring we have the blueprints we need for corporate activities, improving these blueprints, and getting skill books for the corporation.

Labor - The labor division exists to produce goods and mine for gasses, ice, and minerals. They also control salvaging, hacking, and archeology operations to supply the corp with riggings and things of that nature.

Politics - This division is the bridge between the corp and other people. It includes internal Investigations, corporate affairs, war and peace declarations, and personell management. They are our face to the world of Eve.

Military - The Military division is our defensive platform. Any time a strong presence of force is necessary to do something, from keeping our miners safe, to protecting our interests in low security space, to calling troops to fire in war time, the military is called to bear those responsibilities.

Trade - The trade division is centered on helping the corporation make money, and making large, but necessary purchases of anything we need. They will be the entrepreneurs of the corporation and will be setting up corporate contracts or high value goods that we are not using, and selling generally excess goods, like low level modules and minerals past our needs.

Special Ops - Special Operations is dedicated to scouting various sectors of space in order to find hidden complexes and asteroid fields, to hunt pirates endangering our sectors of space, and to taking care of small, precise operations such as bombing runs. They also control our major electronic warfare use, to include ECM jamming units, interdictors, setting up Cynosural fields, and otherwise incapacitating or sneaking up on our enemies, should the need arise.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 03:22:45
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