

Drunk GanG
The Gorgon Spawn
Name Drunk GanG
Ticker DRUNG
Alliance The Gorgon Spawn
Faction -
Ceo Karma Navori
Members 23
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 1111419187

Members [23]


Alchohol never changes you, it just lets to be yourself.

Drunk gang, also known as The Shadow Dread Lord Gods of The Dark Evil Doom Legion. Only drunked people inside.

Hello, U have reached Drunk Gang automated phone system! To tell us that we've got no life and we live in mum's basement, press 1. To tell us that You're logging on your 5 years old uber character to kick the shit out of us, press 2. To tell us that Your friend is a GM and You're getting us banned, press 3.

Recruit status: By invitations only
Public channel: Drunk-gang

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 06:54:35
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