

Dynamic Paradigm
Name Dynamic Paradigm
Ticker DYNPA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Skrud Itonula
Members 3
Tax Rate 2.3%
corporationID 98041183

Members [3]


Dynamic Paradigm divisions.

Industry: percent based compensation, provided mining skill books, ships, and knowledge base from other miners. Section head Riddikk Imahara.

Military: Salary, Rank, provided ships, equipment, and skill books. Not currently active, current section head is Riddikk Imahara; this position may become available based on knowledge of the field.

Exploration: Newly opened quarter, lots of room for growth and expansion, time compensation, along with skill books and equipment, though we believe that every explorer should be allowed to choose their own ship so the ship will be owned by the capsuleer through and through. Pilots will be compensated enough to afford this expenditure.

We are looking for everything right now, New-Player friendly and preferably players with around 2,000,000 skill points or less. Lots of room for advancement.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-19 20:17:56
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