

E-145 Advanced Mining Services
Name E-145 Advanced Mining Services
Ticker E-145
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Xerazor
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 627612917

Members [5]


We are a new corp specializing in mining and industry. All skill levels of players are invited to join. There is only one requirement: the ability to spell/speak clear english. This is not clear english: "I pwnz u noobz!!!". You have been warned. As of 2010 02 25, our only group mining will take place in hi-sec space. We will expand into lo-sec and eventualy 0.0 space as we get larger. If you prove yourself worthy you could be awarded a free ship such as a mining barge, battlecrusier, etc. We ARE recruiting combat players. Also notice that you should clearly state your reason for joining in your application.

Recruitment Status: OPEN

Current Overall Commander: Xerazor

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 20:29:27
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