

Commonwealth Vanguard
Ticker ER.HA
Alliance Commonwealth Vanguard
Faction -
Ceo Mi lien PachtFeng
Members 13
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98734341

Members [13]


Hello capsuleer!

If you are interested in joining us, here are some reasons why you would like to do so:

We are settled in high sec and soon lowsec and are focused on new players as well as veterans or returning players in eve.

- We can help you get started
- We will have a low tax rate for all
- We will help train your skills and knowledge in
mining (asteroid mining & moon mining, all kinds),
exploration (relic, data & combat sites),
running missions (combat, mining, distribution & R&D),
trading, WH living
research & manufacturing (industry)
- We are setting up mining boosts in many places (This will continue to grow)
- We have access to fleets for PVP actions and training
- We can guide you to isk building
- We actively work on creating a no/low drama corp life

Earth Harbor Industries is a younger and still smaller corp, who want to help rookies to get started in the game and maybe to convince you to play it for longer. Each day we become a bit stronger and better. We have set goals that we want to reach step by step and see where we can get if we keep going forward. So far, we have a nice system/region in high sec where we live and actively working into low sec.

If you want to be part of building up something and watch it grow step by step (building better ships, equipment, flying deeper into dangerous space, fight as fleet (groups) together) you might be interested in joining.

We also offer help with any questions, because Eve is a huge game where you have to learn much. Once you've learned the basics, it is so much fun to play and discover new ways to have even more fun.

You will also learn, how to start in making a good amount of ISK (even as alpha) with several methods, even if you just started.

- Live in high sec and soon lowsec space
- Get help with all important things to start your adventure
- Form fleets to meet the challeges of this universe (PvE & PvP)
- Build your wealth here and across the universe in trading, manufacturing, researching, inventing, mining and more
- Have fun together while learning and becoming better each day
- Help each other in various ways

Please contact Mi lien PachtFeng with any questions or concerns.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-18 10:29:07
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