

Ealurian Citadel
Forgers United
Name Ealurian Citadel
Ticker WAHLZ
Alliance Forgers United
Faction -
Ceo LachDann
Members 7
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98192182

Members [7]


A splinter from the initial renegade corp of wolves, the citadel is a stronghold of industrial & mining minded renegades. Still a safe haven for any Ealur who cares to join the cause .. the mighty Amarr Empire still closes it's eyes & tolerates the self-proclaimed "free Ealurians".

The citadel is an easy going english speaking adult corp open to all professions (except pirates). Primarily empire based, industry & mining group until we grow larger to support more operations.

Prints are available to members to build what they wish to use how they see fit.

No minimums for new member skill points, no requirements for play time but we do ask you be friendly and social.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 08:29:12
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