

Elysium Fieldss
Name Elysium Fieldss
Ticker EFSS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Jestini Mind
Members 1
Tax Rate 6.5%
corporationID 98226272

Members [1]


u'Who are we?

A group of ragtag veteran MMO players trying to carve our little chunk out of the EVE multiverse. Yes we wrote multiverse, the propaganda has to start somewhere why not EVE. We operate in Low Sec and (NPC) null. ISK is good, PvP is meh ok, and politics are mostly void (Or we just choice to ignore them). It\u2019s a winning formula for us.

What do we do, what do we offer?

- Indy stuff
- Small Gang PVP
- Trolling
- Losing Ships
- Occasionally Pod-killing one another
- Less occasionally pod-killing other people
(Not because we don\u2019t want to, just because we suck too bad to do it)

What are we looking for?

If you\u2019re still reading this we feel for you, you might just be in worse shape than we are. However, if your still interested in this pursuit of death, or most likely happen to be an Awox character who needs to hide in a legitimate (almost) corporation well than below is our strict criteria for joining us. After all Internet spaceships are serious business.

- Know what the acronym EVE stands for
- Speak English
We have dirty American\u2019s who refuse to learn any other language
- Have a pulse
We quit Left for Dead awhile ago, sorry no zombies. We don\u2019t hate but we do discriminate.
- Have a microphone (that actually works) and the ability to setup, and use Ventrilo without assistance.
- Thick skin.
If you aren\u2019t told to \u201cFuck Your Couch\u201d or \u201cKick Rocks\u201d at least once a day you\u2019re doing it wrong.
- Be self-sufficient we are Darwinian
- Know what Darwinian means

Surely our charisma and charm have persuaded you to join us, or at the very least subdued all thoughts of hostility towards us. However, for those who feel you must have a diplomat in your description well than be appeased cookie cutters, be appeased.

Diplomat: Athena Miho

However, if he is unavailable, or when in doubt we reserve the right to respond to your diplomatic position with \u201cFuck Your Couch\u201d. '

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-07 08:10:09
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