

Environmental Protection Agency.
Name Environmental Protection Agency.
Ticker EP.A
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Placeholder1235666
Members 4
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98246335

Members [4]


The Environmental Protection Agency was institued in order to preserve dwindleing and rare resources throughout new eden, Since the decline of highsec ores in 112 YC. The corporation strives to maintain a surplus of astroids and has successfully petitioned Concord for membership within their Enclave. Concord has given the E.P.A. Full authority to sanction Alliances, Corporations, and Miners for improper astroid husbandry.

Policy violations which can result in being sanctioned can include but are not limited to the following:

* Improper mining procedures (Mining out a belt entirely, which reduces the next spawn by .5%)

* Improper use of minerals (Selling ships cheaper then the value of the minerals themselves or wastage of said minerals through improper training and skills)

* Improper waste disposal (Litering with "unatended" jetcans)

* Over poulation of designated mining systems

* Mining in restricted E.P.A. Environmentally Protected systems without the authority of Concord or the EPA

The E.P.A. and Concord realize that these new sanctions may reduce profitability of ships, and modules, however it is seen as a necessary step in order to preserve what little highsec ores are left, and see to their proper husbandry and reproduction for a viable and sustainable future.


Q. What is a sanction and how does it effect me?
A. A saction is basically a consequence for violateing one of the regulations for proper mining procedures and astroid husbandry as outlined in the E.P.A. Regulations Guidebook or RG. If you are sanctioned you can appeal the sanction by writeing a formal letter to the Director of Appeals, or to the CEO himself/Herself. Please note however that if you choose to bypass the Director of Appeals, the decision made by the CEO is Final, and no other appeals will be accepted.

Sanctions can include but are not limited to the following:

* Fines totaling no more then 100,000,000 ISK (100 Million), and No less then 10,000,000 ISK (10 Million), per violation. Individuals with little to no experience will not be fined. But will be sent a letter of warning instead. Should policy violations continue, more strengeant action will be taken.

* Destruction of ship and or POD. (A letter will be mailed to the individual and the CEO stating reasons and violations which warented the destruction of ship and or POD, all resources will be claimed by the E.P.A. for movement to a more stable location or for proper use. All ship salvage and modules will be confiscated and returned to their natural state or sold to further the E.P.A.'s and Concords protection acts.)

* Regulated Wardec (Generally only occures if fines are repeatedly not paid and all other avenues of attempting to correct policy violations have failed). Wardec will end when entity pays off fines and or ceases to violate E.P.A. Regulations.

Recruitment Info:

The E.P.A is Currently Recruiting:

* Investigators (Agents)
* PvPers (Enforcers)
* Recruitment and Appeals Personel
* Miners (Workers)

All Employees must have a minimum of 3 Million SP, Pass an on comms voice interview, and Pass a Concord approved background check.

For more information please contact:

CEO: Malseir Dabian
Director of Economic and Stetegic Development: Celestius Al'rhaytian
Director of Administration:
Director of Policy Enforcement:
Director of Appeals:

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 04:48:11
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