

Epic Odyssey
Name Epic Odyssey
Ticker EIO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Vladic
Members 21
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1103096491

Members [21]


Honor through Integrity, Trust through Friendship, Success through Teamwork.

Beware of the dark places for there be monsters lurking in your midst. Through the darkness this corp rises to recruit, develop, defend and finally deploy it's collective power for the will and needs that befit the corporation and it's affiliates.

WE ARE a versatile corp of mature and quite unique individuals. Our core integrity is harnessed through the often selfless acts we as individuals display through the blood we shed, the wallets we drain for the sake of generosity, the hours we donate for the needs of others, and the overwhelming desire to act in a bold, honorable moment, to make a name for ourselves without tainting our flag.

WE ARE trustworthy, tempered with patience, hardened by difficulties we survive together, but solidified by the memories we create together as a whole....always driven.

WE ARE a team, operating wholly successful through teamwork. Achieving goals through the long hours, expansive operations, and collective thoughts and ideas presented and acted upon by our group.

WE ARE Epic Odyssey....welcome to our sandbox, and don't forget your shovel.

Membership through personal invitiation only.

We range from experienced to new, agreeing on common goals and achieving them through dedication and pride. All business channels open, and gun ports primed to assist.

Join our public channel - Epic-Pub

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 19:36:24
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