

Escort Companion and Host Operations Brigade
Name Escort Companion and Host Operations Brigade
Ticker ECHOB
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Ryan McGill
Members 2
Tax Rate 3.3%
corporationID 98098312

Members [2]


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< Escort, Companion, and Host Operations Brigade >

The ECHO Brigade. A unique corporation that takes on a job that is different than the rest: to bring friendship, entertainment, and happiness to fellow capsuleers.

> What We Do >
Our corporation is a collection of capsuleers that have desires in at least one of two types of support: ship support, and social support.
- Ship Support - ::: Support and Logistics pilots are uncommon compared to the abundant combat-oriented capsuleers in New Eden. Having a partner follow and give your ship full support can make you more efficient or powerful in a variety of ways, depending on the specialization of the support pilot you choose. This gives your ship room to do entirely what you want to do, while leaving the needs of its upkeep to the supporter.
We provide these pilots to assist you, which can give you an edge in the battlespace, even when outnumbered.
- Social Support - :: The capsuleers of New Eden are in need of entertainment, and our corporation specializes in providing that. Hosts and Hostesses are hired individuals that bring friendliness and fun to their customers for a price.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 22:23:53
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