

Essence Distribution and Mining
Name Essence Distribution and Mining
Ticker .EDM.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Asop Eoner
Members 1
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98397364

Members [1]



Since the Code is a living, breathing document, it's not possible to fully enumerate all of the rules. But here are some examples of the rules, to help everyone get a sense of its spirit:

- Mining indulgences may be purchased for 10 million isk per character, and are good for one year, subject to forfeiture.

- Miners should strive not only to avoid botting, but to avoid even the appearance of botting.

- Bot-aspirant behavior is not permitted.

- No AFK mining allowed. All miners are expected to remain at their keyboards at all times, and are required to prove their presence by responding in local when requested by the Supreme Protector or one of his Agents.

- New Order territory is a safe space for suicide gankers. Miners are required to put aside their prejudices and treat gankers with respect.

- Upon being suicide ganked, a miner should congratulate the ganker on his success. A "good fight" or "gf" in local is customary.

- No excessive mining. Miners should not fall into a routine of mining all day. I want well-rounded people in my system, not ice-mining machines.

- Keep local clean. Miners should be courteous in local and should refrain from the use of profanity.

- Respect for elected officials. As Saviour of Highsec, I acted as proxy when electing myself Supreme Protector. Miners should respect the will exercised by the people when they made this choice.

- The New Order of Highsec continues to recognize The Mittani as the legitimate Chairman of the CSM. This determination remains the rule in all New Order territories.

- Prejudice toward minorities is not permitted. For the sake of clarity, this cannot apply to all groups claiming minority status, but only discrete and insular minorities, which are defined as suicide gankers, Goons, and others who oppose highsec mining.

- If a miner does not wish to purchase a mining indulgence, he may still be granted a one-day reprieve, if he is able to correctly answer the Supreme Protector's Questions Three.

- Red Pen. On my desk there is a sheet of paper. In my desk there is a drawer. Inside this drawer is a Red Pen. If a miner commits an egregious offense or series of offenses, his name will be written on the paper with the Red Pen. If your name is written in Red Pen, the cost of an indulgence will be trebled and you will be at increased risk of bumping.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 19:58:46
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