

Eternal Profiteers Empire
Name Eternal Profiteers Empire
Ticker E.P-E
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Miranda
Members 6
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98067784

Members [6]


Official empire corp to Eternal Profiteers.

EPE is currently marked as inactive, no applications will be accepted.

The EP family is based heavily on friendship and teamwork. We understand that real life comes before EVE and we know that our members play for FUN! We emphasize on this by not making corp members do chores or fill quotas. But just do what they like to do in EVE in a friendly and helpful enviroment. The only thing we ask is that you help us upkeep this by not being a solo player but to socialize with your fellow corpmates.

We offer guidance to all of EVE's players, young and old.

Training will be available for PvP and general EVE guidance from your first days in EVE
Members may choose to stay and help guide new recruits or 'graduate' into Eternal Profiteers for a life in 0.0.

This corp focuses on most aspects of EVE such as:
*Planetary Interaction

Contacts: Moopy Greatness, Lokius Arathiel, Miranda

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 23:22:16
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