

Eternal Rebel Alliance
Name Eternal Rebel Alliance
Ticker 3.R.A
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lunarena R5
Members 5
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98654205

Members [5]


Eternal Rebel Alliance

Looking for rebels, lone wolves, fighters for good, outlaws. Do you find yourself mining, fighting, doing missions alone? Join the rebels and unite as a force. This is a beginner/newb Corp. Special for Alpha Rebels.

Beginners welcome:
No Wars (yet)
1% tax (for ads and corp)


We are recruiting all kinds of spacepowers. No matter your abilities or ambitions: Miners, Fighters, Scouters, Explorers, Spies, Business, Guards, and so on.

If you wonder: This is the side of light and good and justice,

No evil intentions. Although blood will be spilled.

-======Mine in peace and in great numbers of miners.=====-
Fleet up!
Use Fast warps to fleets to mine faster&more

Those who didn't join the mining side are to be looked out for. Or even outlawed/killed by our fighters.

We only attack when under thread OR overruling mining spots VS stubborn lone miners, who basicly steal our Corps. valuables when we are outnumbering others on mining spots.

Traitors are to be rolled up and killed/kicked from the Corp.

Lets make this one great corporation together, only together we can be strong!

Mine in peace! Fight for peace!

No Darksiders allowed

Fresh Corp: Experienced players also welcome to support us.

Flying alone in space and you are a solo rebel? JOIN.

3.R.A: Is also looking for multi language support.

Im (leader of 3.R.A "Netherlands") looking for other than English speaking languages, to be commanders to make a multicultural Rebel Alliance!

With each language their Commander but united as rebels!

Please contact me if you are not English and wanna get different people from your own language in.

We do keep English as main in 3.R.A, but the multiple language will support messages in different languages!

Join our new discord :): Click here to join Discord

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:18:46
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