

Eve Rookies Industries
Eve Rookies United
Name Eve Rookies Industries
Ticker ER1ND
Alliance Eve Rookies United
Faction -
Ceo Tala Ashbane
Members 38
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98718089

Members [38]


u'Eve Rookies is not only a new player resource, but it is also a community that is aimed at new players but open to all. While Eve Rookies (ER) was started as a website to help new players, we have been running rookie appropriate incursion fleets since March 2021. Now we are expanding into other areas of New Eden to not only introduce players to different activities, but to other players as well.

Eve is always better with friends.

Eve Rookies Core Values
1. Eve Rookies activities are 100% new player friendly.
- our fits are made to be as accessible to as many players as possible
- efficiency of the fleet is irrelevant
- fleet experiences should be inviting (there are feedback forms!). There can be good natured ribbing but we will always try to be mindful of people\u2019s feelings
- there will always be a \u201cnewbro\u201d speech for the activity that explains what to do and where to be
- questions will always be welcome (and Eve players LOVE answering questions)

2. Eve Rookies is welcome to everyone in New Eden regardless of which other groups a player is associated with.
- some activities, like incursions or FOBs may require a player to have an alt that doesn\u2019t have any active kill marks, isn\u2019t part of faction warfare or has an active war dec

3. We try to make sure that new players never get turned away. We will ask any (J)FC not needed to run a fleet to give up a spot first. If there\u2019s no (J)FC that can drop, we will then ask veteran members to give up a spot. The idea is to share the joy of the activity with a new player instead of having to say no. For all other cases it\u2019s first come first serve. We will, of course, run a 2nd fleet whenever possible.

4. People before boxes. We allow boxes in our fleets if there aren\u2019t enough real people to fill the spots.
FC is allowed to be the last box on grid, but a player will always come before a box.

5. Eve is a game with a lot of depth and there is a lot to learn. We work with new players or players new to activities so we are aware mistakes happen. That\u2019s OK! There will be no cursing, screaming or making someone feel bad. It\u2019s a lesson learned and we move on.

6. Eve Rookies is about learning how to play Eve. Sometimes we will advertise public ganking fleets or teach players how to do something others find \u201cbad\u201d or \u201cunsavory\u201d. We believe learning the mechanics behind these play styles help a player from falling victim, knowledge is power. Just realize participating is AT YOUR OWN RISK. Not all communities share our view and if you participate you may be barred from playing with them (i.e. ganking or ganking incursion ships).

What is NEVER Acceptable?
Toxic behavior \u2013 this is defined as anyone whose behavior adds negativity to the situation. We are here to have fun and fly as a community. We understand everyone has a bad day. However, if a pilot is constantly unsupportive and being unpleasant, Eve Rookies leadership reserves the right to remove the pilot from the situation.

Drama \u2013 Drama in Eve Rookies is defined as creating unnecessary stress, overreactions, or exaggerations about something. Drama is also bringing in problems that have nothing to do with the Eve Rookies community, into the community. If you want to participate in Drama, there are other platforms available. Bringing drama to our home is a good way to swiftly find yourself back out in the cold (i.e. a server ban).

Exclusivity \u2013 we attempt to be as inclusive as possible. We welcome everyone regardless of age (must be 13 or older to play Eve as of CCP), gender, race, identity, religion, ability, in game associations and anything else not mentioned. We\u2019re all here to fly and have fun together.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 09:31:35
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