

Exo Fleet
Name Exo Fleet
Ticker JONAS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rayce Farrel
Members 10
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 572209164

Members [10]


A tightly Knit crew dedicated to the defense and prospierity of our home region. From many walks of life, we serve a higher purpose. We fight for glory, for justice, and for the people back home. We are elite. We are....

The EXO Fleet

EXO FLEET Is Hiring!! We are looking for Active Players, PVP, PVE, Miners, Industrialist, all welcome to apply, we have no SP requirements just as long as your active. (USA, EU, and AUS timezones welcome) Please no trial accounts.

What we Offer
-Real friendly corp, usually there is someone always online.
-No one telling you what you have to do, in this corp we let you do what you like, and help when you need it.
-Rookie friendly although no trial accounts please.
-Corp owned Production, Research and Manufacturing facilities
-Corp Lvl 5 missions
-Corp mining ops with orca support
-Orgainzed Lowsec pvp Fleet ops for those who enjoy PvP.

All that we require
-A good sense of humor
-To be an active player
-Not being a tool

If this sounds like you then join our public channel JONAS FLT everyone is welcome to stop by and chat with us or you can click the link below to join our fleet.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-14 08:16:16
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