

F1 Fighters
Name F1 Fighters
Ticker F1 F
Alliance 7.62
Faction -
Ceo Vitold
Members 155
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98722570

Members [155]


F1 Fighters are an active Pochven corporation that specialises in PVP and Isk-making activities.
We are currently looking for solo pvpers who like to roam Pochven for kills.
We offer new members the following benefits:

50mil isk per interdictor/frigate kill in Pochven
100m per cruiser kill in Pochven
500m per battleship kill in Pochven
Full SRP for pvp losses
Bonus rewards depending on which alliance your victims are from.
Bonus rewards for pilots who assist our multiboxers in large fights such as tackle and scanning.

For information on how to join us, contact #haimberg on Discord.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-21 10:00:05
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