

Fabrica Robotica de la Madre
Name Fabrica Robotica de la Madre
Ticker FRDLM
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Jonathan Omaristos
Members 14
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98549009

Members [14]


What's with the name? Too many clans want to be bad ass mother fuckers , us? we're in it for a laugh and a bit of a pisstake, so no full on serious I'm here to win type players please.

Is there a commitment? Nope, we're looking for people who'll run group content as a squad/group

Is there a minimum age? Yes, we're a mature group and the banter is definitely 18+

Just EVE? We play other stuff when the mood strikes us

What nights are you on? We're on most nights of the week, due to work and life there may only be 2 or 3 of us hence the need to build our wee community?

Where you from? UK/EU, we're open to anyone although we can only speak english

What do I get out of it? A friendly group of players who'll help each other out, we're a tight nit group and you'll be part of that.

Is there a clan structure? Nope, we're all equal although ingame there will be structure to prevent Corp thieves.

Voice comms? Discord, sorry we don't do TS or Mumble. If you look on Discord and see we're not there just jump on, somebody will be on soon ;)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 06:10:44
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