

Fair Dinkum Digging
Name Fair Dinkum Digging
Ticker DINKM
Alliance ISK.Enterprises
Faction -
Ceo Yui Yamada
Members 11
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98672877

Members [11]


/ \' _/ Fair Dinkum Digging [AUTZ]
****` "Better pay than working for
/ \\ that prick Palmer."
\\ / \\ /
\\ /` \\\\\\ "It is ours, not to slave in,
`\\ /_\\\\ but to master and to own."

------------------[ ABOUT THE CORPORATION ]------------------


Union benefits:
\u2622 Zero tolerance to being an actual dickhead.
\u2622 Laid back management and the OH&S bloke isn\'t a tool.
\u2622 Corporate uniform and skill packages for upskilling and developing dingos.
\u2622 Mentorship and recruit packages designed to have you flying and mining on
the day you join.
\u2622 Tax-free, forever. Earn your fair shake of the sauce bottle mate.
\u2622 Attractive bonuses for fleet mining, wormhole and moon operations.
\u2622 100% buyback from both the corporation and the alliance.
\u2622 Access to an ever expanding library of blueprints, both Alliance and
Corporation owned.
\u2622 Professional, prompt and secure hauling services.
\u2622 Ship replacement program during sanctioned fleet operations.
\u2622 Corporate issued insurance on ships within the industry sector.
\u2622 No membership requirements, all time zones welcome.
\u2622 Focused on mining, industry and planetary interaction.
\u2622 No drug or alchohol testing on site.
\u2622 Jam things into holes and make a bunch of digeridollars.

------------------[ DIPLOMATIC ISSUES ]------------------

For all local system diplomatic issues specific to Fair Dinkum Digging, please contact
one of the following pilots:

Yui Yamada [Acting CEO, Founder]
Aberdeen Bard-Curaidh [Human Resources] or Talisien Gunn [Diplomatic Relations]

For queries or concerns relating to ISK.Enterprises, please contact the following pilot:
Edmund Jein [Executor]'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 00:27:16
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