

Federation Exploration
Name Federation Exploration
Ticker FXP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rogue Boldbone
Members 3
Tax Rate 8%
corporationID 98422322

Members [3]


Federation Exploration Corporation has a dedicated and focused group of friendly capsuleers focusing on Exploration, Mining, Research & Development and the production of advanced weaponry and cutting-edge electronics.
We welcome all new pilots and seasoned veterans who are looking to assist us in the growth and prosperity of all the capsuleers in the Corporation and that of our Allies.
We have regular mining fleet operations to help you build bank and assistance with mission running all while aquiring the necessary skill set for more advanced operations within our Corporation

Throw on your BatMan shirt, put your seatbelt on and come join us!


1.) I will develop myself to the maximum of my potential in all ways.
2.) I will forget the mistakes of the past and press on to greater achievements.
3.) I will continually work at developing, not only for myself but for my Corporation & its members.
4.) I will look for the good in all people and make them feel worthwhile.
5.) If I have nothing good to say about a person, I will say nothing.
6.) I will always be as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am about my own.
7.) I will maintain an attitude of open-mindedness.
8.) I will maintain respect for those in authority and demonstrate this respect at all times.
9.) I will always remain loyal to my family my friends my Corporation & its members.
10.) I will remain highly goal-oriented throughout my life because that positive attitude helps my family my friends my Corporation and myself.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 19:27:50
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