

Fist of the Empire.
Name Fist of the Empire.
Ticker FOE--
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Mith Sarin
Members 24
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98673141

Members [24]


u'Founded in 2002 with the release of Star Wars Galaxies, FoE has smashed, shot, stabbed and griefed its way through every major MMO released thereafter. The guild\u2019s tenets and organization follow a military model and formed the foundation of a stable gaming community for almost 20 years.

Fist of the Empire is recruiting.

Our Player Base Includes (but is not limited to):
\xb7 Irritating, nerve-grating RL military types
\xb7 \u201cI\u2019m just a girl gamer,\u201d sandbagging types
\xb7 Masochistic, PvP-addicted serial killer types
\xb7 Self-loathing, questionable hygiene PvE types
\xb7 Anti-social spreadsheet humping theorycrafting types
\xb7 Fringe dwelling, socially inept crazy types
\xb7 Conceited, protein-slamming, marathon running, BJJ gym rat types
\xb7 Lonely, broke dorm-dwelling college types
\xb7 Old-school-is-still-cool Metamucil taking denture wearing types

Fist of the Empire is looking for the following players:
-Mission Runners

You must be legal (18+), and Discord with a mic is required. We are currently looking to add more crazies to our ranks, and YOU (and the voices in your head) would fit in nicely, especially if you have as much of a sense of humor about yourself as we do about ourselves. Everyone is welcome to apply; however, we are mainly seeking PvP-focused players that are guild-first types who approach their gaming time in a structured manner. Most of our members have worn the FoE tag for 5+ years or more. This will be the last guild/clan/corporation you\'ll ever join!

Join our recruitment channel: FOE Recruitment

Join us in Discord for more information:

Check out our Recruitment Video here:'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-01 20:52:28
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