

Name Fleetworks
Ticker FWCO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Aran Proximus
Members 30
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 1466885167

Members [30]


FWCO is closed... Thank you for your business

Fleetworks is a veteran nullsec corporation who has built it's reputation on providing Alliances with industrial and logistical support. We are veterans of three years of sov wars and campaigns. We have recently joined Sev3rance and the Providence Coalition under who we expect to strengthen our ranks.

Our corporation goal has always been to support our members in whatever activities they wish to play allowing for both the corporation and our members to grow and have fun. We bring wealth to our members by providing shared security and materials. The corporation boasts an efficient purchasing program for our membership that accepts ore, ice, salvage, minerals, and PI products.

Wealth generation operations form a main part of our day-to-day life, as do corporate gains operations. We offer a dividend program for pilots who actively participate in corporate activities. We are active in both EU and US time zones, allowing for great flexibility for our pilots, wherever they call home in real life.

Are you new to the game and dont have the skills or knowledge to survive in nullsec? Great News!

Fleetworks Training corp is now open where we will help you to develop yourself into whatever role you wish to have in nullsec from the safety of highsec. You will still have full use of corporation resources and be able to participate in operations.

Here's what we offer to you:

Friendly Atmosphere: An excellent group of people who are friendly, supportive of each other, and knowledgeable about the game.

Purchasing Program: Makes it easy to sell your gains, ill-gotten or otherwise! We will pay local prices or better for your materials.

Dividend Program: Pilots who actively participate in corporate activities are rewarded with dividend payments. Earn points and get a cut of the profits!

PvP Opportunities: Looking for a solid base with pew close at hand? Look no further! Fly with experienced FCs in everything from small-gang fights to major engagements.

Reimbursement Policy: Corp ship reimbursement.

Logistics Service: Developed and ready to make your life easy. Get your stuff in and out of nullsec at a low cost and minimum of personal effort.

Member Support: Assistance is readily available for everything from a quick materials purchase to the placement of your own POS.

Here's what we require from you:

No trial accounts.

No SP Minimum: However, there are ship and skill requirements.

Active Players: Doesn't mean you need to be on twelve hours a day, but we regularly purge inactive pilots to ensure we remain a dynamic and positive corporation.

Team Players: Joining a corporation means you're joining a community, and we expect the members of our community to work together towards their goals.

TeamSpeak: All pilots must be willing to use voice communications as needed. Doing so is vital to success, and Fleetworks intends to succeed.

If you're ready to find out what an EVE Online corporation is meant to be, check us out!

Recruitment channel: Fleetworks Info

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 09:50:58
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