

Flotsam Recovery Service
Name Flotsam Recovery Service
Ticker FLOTS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Marron Talie-Kuo
Members 24
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98678612

Members [24]


Flotsam Recovery Service is a corporation with a passion for salvaging! Instead of leaving wrecks, just share the bookmark and we'll transfer you the ISK once complete - easy!

Join our chat channel Flotsam Recovery or Discord, tell us you've got wrecks, and share your bookmarks. We'll send you 50% of the estimated salvage worth!

How it works?
- Create a new access list (Social > Access Lists):
- Click "+ New Access List" and name the access list "Flotsam Recovery Service" or similar
- Save, then click "+ Add Members" and add Flotsam Recovery Service as a member
- Create a new shared bookmark folder (Open bookmarks (L key by default) > Create Folder > Shared Folder):
- Name the folder something like <Your Name> Flotsam or <Your Name> Salvage
- Add the access list you made for Flotsam Recovery Service to "View Access", "Use Access", and "Manage Access"
- Post your bookmark folder by dragging it into chat. We do not receive access automatically.
- (Or, skip these steps and request access to join our FLOTS Public Salvage folder.)
- Do your mission as usual! Make a bookmark for EACH pocket of the mission, please!
- Abandon all wrecks - very important!
- We do our thing, salvage, loot (if required), haul it home, and give you half the ISK. Easy as that!

Our services are available to individuals, corporations, and alliances alike. Interested representatives of corps and alliances are welcome to join Flotsam Diplomacy or send an EVE Mail to diplomat tiredpineapple or CEO Marron Talie-Kuo.

Interested in a salvaging career? Flotsam Recovery Service - Salvage Corp - Salvagers wanted! Come say hello in Flotsam Recruiting!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-22 16:45:41
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