

Flower Scouts INC.
Institute for Embarrassing Killmails
Name Flower Scouts INC.
Ticker FLWRI
Alliance Institute for Embarrassing Killmails
Faction -
Ceo JazzJase
Members 2
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 98745698

Members [2]


Hey glad your reading this, welcome to flower scouts i created this corporation for people who wanna engaage more in fleet activites. I personally always play eve alone and have few people to actually fleet up with and every corporation i join has awesome people but most of them barley wanna engage in fleet activites and dont even fleet up to just hangout and do stuff as a fleet. In this corporation i aim to change that so if you prefer playing alone this probably isnt the corp for you. At the start we may only have a handful of members but as we gain more members and more knowledge i will be more then glad to do more lucrative activites like incursions and what not. but if your one of our first few members then we will most likley just engage in small mining fleets, wormhole fleets, mission fleets, and fun roam fleets pve/pvp with no clear objective than to have fun. but i will always constantly strive to make this corp better than it can be and the best it can be so never hestitate to let me know what can change. If youve read this far im assuming you have some sort of small intrest and i can assure you you will be welcomed and you wont be just some indvidual in the corp we work to make everyone in the corparation feel like they are helping something a bigger and we will also help you make a solid amount of isk while doing it too

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-20 00:07:22
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