

Flugellahme Ponys Corp.
Name Flugellahme Ponys Corp.
Ticker FLUGE
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rastafiri Mynx
Members 17
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98454886

Members [17]


u'Dear Pony!

Our belove Princess Celestia need our Support. Come and join our Herd and help to built us more friendship then ever, so we can stand against every evil thrown on us.

What officers will you can join:
(\xaf`\u2019\u2022.\xb8(\u2665)\xb8.\u2022\u2019\xb4\xaf) Rainbow Dash (PVP)
Building a fast Fleet which not fear any upcoming challenge!
(\xaf`\u2019\u2022.\xb8(\u2665)\xb8.\u2022\u2019\xb4\xaf) Pinkie Pie (PVE)
We need you for parties, As more as better, if all comes red it pops confetti every. Party with us!
(\xaf`\u2019\u2022.\xb8(\u2665)\xb8.\u2022\u2019\xb4\xaf) Rarity (Miners / Producers)
We never can have enough beautiful shiny crystals. Use your Magic to find the beautiest und help aus find the perfect style to make
(\xaf`\u2019\u2022.\xb8(\u2665)\xb8.\u2022\u2019\xb4\xaf) Twilight Sparkle (Researchers)
We have a giant libriary with nearly endless books (BPOs) you can study,
(\xaf`\u2019\u2022.\xb8(\u2665)\xb8.\u2022\u2019\xb4\xaf) Fluttershy (Diplomat)
Use your pleasant character to find more friends in every last corner and help us.
(\xaf`\u2019\u2022.\xb8(\u2665)\xb8.\u2022\u2019\xb4\xaf) Applejack (Haulers / Traders)
We always need a good\'ol bussiness

Picture of an normal member'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 00:11:04
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