

Forlorn Avengers
Optimistic Wasteland
Name Forlorn Avengers
Ticker F..A
Alliance Optimistic Wasteland
Faction -
Ceo Pike Athonille
Members 14
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98608834

Members [14]


Space: cold and vast, unforgiving and unrelenting;
where no man chooses to be, yet industrialists and the dreamer continue to seek their fortune. Forlorn Avengers was formed by lost and desperate adventurers seeking not only wealth, but a chance at immortality. Comprised of pilots from all races, Forlorn Avengers continues to seek fellow adventurers to explore and experience all that the great expanse can offer.


Our mission: To survive and prosper by risking all - as we navigate mysterious new space to mine rare ore - develop greater industry thru sciences and make new friends - all while remaining battle ready through training in various combat missions and hunting down those who challenge our move, deeper into the eye of EvE's heart.



Mission running (all levels-fleets to help you grind your way to L4)
Moon mining
Weekly mining events
Weekly PVE events
Weekly PVP roams (training events too!)
All industrial - ore buyout, free & discounted ships for events

Coms: Teamspeak

If you have been invited to join - we want to give you a home. There are many groups in EvE, few like this one.

Veterans and active duty military from all over the world are encouraged to apply

Want to chat with us - OPTIMISTIC RECRUITING

See You In Space- Pike65

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 14:36:42
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