Latin: Fortes Fortuna Juvat
English: Fortune favours the bold, brave and strong
Mercenaries for hire...
-----Joint Destruction and Reconnaissance-----
If you find yourself wardec by us.. then 1 of 3 things happened.
Case no.: 1 - we were contracted to do so.. (we do not disclose client affiliations)
war will stick untill contract goal has been reached, weather that be time, ships destroyed or certain value in damaged reached.
Case no.: 2 - just bored..
we were bored, so following Bribes are accepted to make us leave.
- ISK, Plex or "Ships Kills"
Terms can be negotiated, we are not unfair.
Case no.: 3 - We do not like you
for some reason you managed to rub us the wrong way.. and any settlements here will not be cheap nor will it be fair.
Either way.. we will not be going away untill someone pays us...
Any settlements with us in a case no. 2 or 3 war declaration, includes a 2 year guarantee that we will not reinitiate any hostile actions, nor accept any contracts towards the target in that timeframe.
Sovereignty systems [0]
The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 19:00:36