

Fraternal Order of Raddei
Name Fraternal Order of Raddei
Ticker 4OR
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Adamanteus Raddei
Members 10
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98031234

Members [10]


Ah, EVE Online... ...what a horrid bitch thy be...

Due to the boredom of empire, and the senseless demand that is null-space, coupled with the challenges of raising a toddler in "RL," this little segment of fictional EVE life is on indefinite hiatus. It's been a good run - spending 4 years in New Eden. But life must go on, and thus I must take leave of this game. Perhaps one day I'll be back. In the meantime, fuck you Arctic Dungeon, fuck you Goonswarm, and fuck you James315. None of you lead me to quit - don't get me wrong. You just all deserve to die fiery deaths, alone and unloved. :)

Fly safe!

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-15 20:25:37
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