

Free Ships Foundation
Name Free Ships Foundation
Ticker FUKOV
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Evereconata Turmin
Members 39
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98322858

Members [39]


No questions asked,

Just contract your LOOT, ICE, ORE, PI products, SALVAGE and any surplus TRASH with private contract to Free Ships Foundation anywhere in Essence region.,

We pay reasonable day price,

Jita buy price minus 20 points( multiply evepraisal Jita buy price with 0.8 ),

Contracted right here in Essence region system where your stuff is located at..
Make contract for 14 days to allow it be accepted before its outdated.

If Your stuff is at low sec system or in high sec island that is restricted from high sec Essence behind a low sec system, please subtract 3 million ISK per 60000m3 of stuff to cover for high risk transport of goodies.
Otherwise its just fine to contract stuff at low sec system.

Naturally only stations that can be accessed 100% by everyone, IE. do not use citadels for contracting.

Please restrict your first contracts total amount at 300 million ISK so that we can see how many want to take this opportunity. When contracts are accepted, ISK transfer is immediate and You can make another contracts up to the limit. We will fix the limit as situation permits.

Contracts will be accepted in order depending on routes of our freighters cruising the region, and as WALLET allows.

current wallet 4 000 000 000 ISK
same deal for both corp members and non-members.

We are currently working towards following goals:

Train and equip standing Capital ship fleet at our dear home system(location not disclosed).
Build an industrial complex for our own use(everyone wants that private place right?).
Work on our production and marketing systems to improve profitability.(hopeless)
Our current turover around 30 000 000 000 ISK per month.(havent paid for a plex since last spring, and don't plan to ever again)

We accept applications from all sorts of applicants. Everyone will be guaranteed Initiate title for million years. Your performance will show if the choice is good, do not complain about inactivity if you do nothing.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 00:27:57
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