

Freespacer Confederation
The Honda Accord
Name Freespacer Confederation
Ticker FCNF
Alliance The Honda Accord
Faction -
Ceo Destiny Eezler
Members 2
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 124668559

Members [2]


The Freespacer Confederation is a group of pilots brought together by the idea the personal freedom to seek ones path in space is a basic right of all; That the individual should fight oppression imposed by those that believe order on their terms should be imposed by force; That to die while fighting for freedom is better than living in false safety at the cost of free will.

If these ideas ring true to you then we invite you to join our clan. Join us in the pursuit of honor and the inner warrior. Help us spread the vision of a world of freedom and the respect for rights of the one in concert with the rights of the many.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 03:31:33
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