

Freighters Under Construction Support Services
Name Freighters Under Construction Support Services
Ticker FUCSS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Rima Asuna
Members 5
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98320006

Members [5]


All of our friends come and Join
The Freighters Under Construction and Support Services, or FUCSs as we playfully call ourselves, is an full spectrum corp building the way towards large scale construction and operations. We are looking for all types of pilots. They could be ice, ORE, PI, anything or just stright PVP. Low taxes and opportunity to build items and ships. We have research people available at your disposal. If you are looking to build a specific ship let us know we can buy the needed research and data cores to move forward. Please Feel to contact us.
We are actively looking for all pilots. Our SRP program has begun where if you are working and get popped we can replace your ship for little or no cost to you. Some restrictions apply but they are minimal. Minimal Skill points and skill assessment required for 0.0 operations.

Join the BuyFUCSs Channel and Speak with one of the pilots in there, reply to this thread, or EVEmail me in to learn more. Full API is required.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-04 09:33:28
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