

Frozen Dawn Inc
Frozen Dawn Alliance
Name Frozen Dawn Inc
Ticker FRODW
Alliance Frozen Dawn Alliance
Faction -
Ceo Big Dane
Members 22
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 175286781

Members [22]


Finnish speaking corp

What is a Frozen Dawn and what games do we play ?

Frozen Dawn is a Finnish gaming community for adult players, established in year 2006. We started as a group of people playing Dungeons & Dragons Online and now Frozen Dawn community has presence in various MMORPG games (World of Warcraft, LOTRO, Vanguard, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Aion Online, EVE, FF XIV, GW2, Rift, WoT, TESO, ArchAge, WildStar...and bunch of other games)

In EVE Online our goal is to establish a Finnish-only corporation with a relaxed team-spirit for adult people. We also organize fun live-meetings several times a year.

Feel free to visit our community website @ And Channel Frozen Dawn public

For more info, contact: Dax Golem, Augustus Audelles or Big Dane
Alliance Executor: Big Dane
Recruitment: Closed

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-13 15:20:38
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