Public Channel: [900.C] Public
Contacts: Khoo Kalfren | Ryvaal Small Gang Faction Warfare
(Guristas) PVP
In a Furnace gang, every pilot matters. We are only as good as each individual pilot.
Together We SoloFurnace Offers:* Content creators with over a decade of small gang PVP experience from across all facets of EVE
* Guristas FW content
* Access to EUTZ microgang content and USTZ small gang via alliance
* A purely PVP focused corp of adults who play EVE to have fun and be our best with chill vibes
Furnace Requires:* Experience in small gang, or very strong desire to listen and learn from mistakes
* 30mil+ SP desired
* Mature, level-headed, non-toxic.
* Working mic, willingness to be on discord both chat and voice
* Self-sufficient income source (FW solves this for most people)
Interested in joining? Say hello in our public channel (above) or join our alliance discord - https://discord.gg/zuck