

GN1 Performance
Name GN1 Performance
Ticker GN1
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Missy Hisle
Members 6
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98096592

Members [6]


GN1 Performance is looking for pilots of all kinds. Industrialists, Traders, Fighters. Rookies, Veterans. We would like any competent people to take a serious look at GN1 Performance. Just speak with any of our recruiters if you have questions.

(Oliver Everett, Pure Sacrifice, Ekoinon)

I want to start off by saying we may or may not be the right corp for you. We are not so much interested in what your character can do, but who is behind the character and what they can do. We are seeking members who are willing to work hard with us to make GN1 Performance a successful and profitable corporation. We need teamplayers who put the interests of the corp on equal footing of their own advancement. We need members who do not sit AFK for hours at a time, we want players who are reasonably active in corp chats, and alliance and make playing EvE fun. We need members who will be self starters and organize themselves rather than wait for a corp director to point out what needs to be done. We need members who are willing to advance in our corp and take on roles and responsibility, to lead. It is frustrating to be in a corp, where you are always willing to do the grunt work, and no one else is.

What we offer?
*Orca support for the miners.
*Ore buyback program.
*Salvage buyback program.
*Small gang roaming for all you killers out there.
*PoS in highsec soon to come.
*A fun light atmosphere filled with people who do not take the game so seriously. Yet seriously enough to get shit done.
*Ship replacement within reason. (Don't do stupid shit.)

What do we expect?
*Activity (We understand life comes first.)
*TS3 activity regardless of if you have a mic or not.
*Willingness to help the group for the greater good.
*Willing to help a corp grow and become very lucrative.

If you want to know more get in contact with one of the recruiters listed above. We will ask you a few questions before starting your trial period.


Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 08:05:43
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