

Galaxy Defence Initiative
Name Galaxy Defence Initiative
Ticker GADEI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Andy Boeckman
Members 3
Tax Rate 4.5%
corporationID 98663036

Members [3]


We are a friendky Crop. Wew= Are New and old Players Welcome looking for active pilots
We do
*Minning MIssions
*Combat Mission
*Cosmic Missions
along wiyth other missions

We are a Industry Corperation working to help everyone achieve their goals in eve.

Looking for :
-All PVE and PVP
-All Trade & Industry
-New player Friendly

Area of Operation :

Languages :

Message to recruits :

Hey you, are you interested in starting a PVE or any career ? We can provide you help with that. We're a little indy corp dedicated to mining and manufacturing a whole range of items needed by those that wage wars.

We, of course, also welcome older capsuleers to help our newbro getting started.

What do we offer ?

If the explorers find extras
-Any ship if you provide the minerals to build it
if you provide the minerals.
-ship rigs
If you take part in the ded complex runs

What do we do ?
-Exploration (aka scanning)

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 18:33:04
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