

Genesis Space Expedition One
Name Genesis Space Expedition One
Ticker GSEO
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Seako Mutsumi
Members 10
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98449850

Members [10]


Genesis Space Expedition One - Adventure Oriented Industrialists.

So exactly just what does that mean, "Adventure Oriented Industrialists"? It means that although our roots are seeded in the realm of mining and industry, we are involved in so much more. Our members run the gamut of activities available in New Eden.

- Mining (This is the most basic activity in eve, yet it drives everything)
- Industry (Build everything from drones to ships... and everything in between)
- Site Running (PvE that includes Running NPC Pirate sites as well as Data and Relic sites)
- Mission Running (PvE that involves completing Agent Missions)
- Wormhole Diving (jumping into the unknown to find rare sites and much more)
- PvP (Engaging other pilots in battle either while solo, in small groups, or on roams)

So What does this meanfor you? If you are willing to invest yourself in GSEO, we will return the favor.

- Training. We will help you decide what you like doing and help you get there.
- Mining (We have a well established Ore Purchase Program available for our members)
- Industry (We offer 0% Corp tax on Research, Invention, Reprocessing, and Productions)
- Veteran Pilots of all types welcome as we expand our interests.
- Alpha Pilots welcome. If you are willing to contribute, we have a place for you
- New Pilot Friendly. We have a training program in place that can help you get started.

If Genesis Space Expedition One sounds like the perfect place for you, contact PixyWarrior Ellecon to get you started.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 15:42:25
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