

Golden Goose Privateers
Name Golden Goose Privateers
Ticker GOGPP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Susan Joyce
Members 6
Tax Rate 100%
corporationID 98722546

Members [6]


We protect the goose that lays the golden eggs.

\u516c\u53f8\u9886\u5bfc\u8054\u7cfb\u4eba/Corporation Leadership:
JR Joyce

US TZ- David Fightmaster
EU TZ- EytchCameron II
AU TZ- Madison Adele Lee


In the boundless cosmos of New Eden, a band of audacious spaceship pilots, known as the Stellar Explorers, embarked on an extraordinary expedition. Their journey took them to the remote constellation of Aridia, where an enigmatic wormhole served as a gateway into the mysterious depths of Wormhole Space.

Venturing into this cryptic realm, the Explorers chanced upon a wondrous sight: an isolated asteroid emitting a captivating golden glow. Nestled within its heart, they discovered an entity of celestial power and immense rarity - the Gilded Avian. This awe-inspiring creature, as enigmatic as it was beautiful, was a treasure beyond their wildest dreams.

Recognizing the monumental potential of their find, the Stellar Explorers swiftly carved out a stronghold within this luminous asteroid. "The Golden Roost" was born, its centerpiece a grand space station that harmoniously blended cutting-edge design with golden accents, reflecting the splendid radiance of their newfound celestial companion.

The Gilded Avian, finding a home in this celestial sanctuary, rewarded the explorers\' care with a daily gift - a shimmering golden egg, a token of its extraordinary potency and a testament to its miraculous existence.

Word of this fantastical discovery spread like wildfire across the cosmos, drawing traders, pioneers, and ambitious capsuleers towards The Golden Roost. Keen to experience the magic of the Gilded Avian, corporations and alliances journeyed from far corners of New Eden to this glowing beacon nestled within the unpredictable reaches of Wormhole Space.

To protect their precious treasure and the prosperity it promised, the Stellar Explorers transformed into the formidable "Golden Goose Privateers." Their fortress, The Golden Roost, reinforced with advanced defense systems and manned by elite pilots, became a bastion of resilience and power within the wild expanse of Wormhole Space.

Fueled by the wealth granted by the golden eggs, the Privateers launched ambitious projects throughout New Eden, pioneering groundbreaking research, forging alliances with top minds, and staking their claim in the annals of the universe\'s history. Their name reverberated across the cosmos, synonymous with audacity, ingenuity, and unyielding resolve.

Guided by the ethos of the Privateers and armed with the gifts of the Gilded Avian, the Stellar Explorers delved deeper into the uncharted expanses of Wormhole Space. Their tale, a testament to limitless potential and unyielding courage, became an enduring beacon of inspiration for all voyagers in the captivating universe of EVE Online.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 16:48:23
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