

Grand Solar Trinity
Grand Inquisitors Federation
Name Grand Solar Trinity
Ticker .GST.
Alliance Grand Inquisitors Federation
Faction -
Ceo Axium Cog
Members 3
Tax Rate 1%
corporationID 98071441

Members [3]


Building Empires from Pings and Pixels


An OG Wormhole Corp run by a laid back OG Wormholer.

These days, we are primarily a wormhole exploration and recon corporation, which is a fancy way of saying we daytrip, doorknock, hotdrop, and recruit for the alliance with our guns.

We make extensive use of Corporation Projects to facilitate member activites across all timezones and available play time.
You can be part of the group and participate on larger objectives asynchronously as your time allows.
Real life comes first, always.

Originally an industrial organization intent on building some of the first T3Cs, the industrial backbone is employed to help keep members in ships at better-than-market as long as resources are fed into the projects.
The rest of the alliance owns a C4 wormhole and several below, and runs multiple special interest groups internally and with allies, spanning most everything including C5 ratting, merc contracts, industry, small gang, and the Alliance Tournament.

We are new player friendly, and we care about fun/hr over isk/hr.

With over 17 years in the game, we are committed to helping the next generation of player find their footing.
We'll help you find an activity you enjoy, and people to fly with, even if it's not with us.
Reach out to our CEO if youre interested in learning more, or have any questions.

Corp Discord

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 08:33:55
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