

Grey Wolves Mercenary Corporation
Name Grey Wolves Mercenary Corporation
Ticker GWMCI
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Nadiya Grey
Members 39
Tax Rate 20%
corporationID 1858466761

Members [39]


We, The Grey Wolves, are not what people expect. And just as others do not expect the things we are capable of, we are just as often suprised at the nature of our own. A lone Wolve may be able to stand a great while on the field before he falls, but a pack of Wolves will only fall when their time has come and there is no more work to be done.

A Wolve is not bred or trained, they are born unto the world, unexpected and usually unnoticed until a point in which their overwhelming qualities choose to shine. A true Wolve is imbued with Strength, Honor, Wisdom, Loyalty, and Courage. Anyone lacking any one of these traits is nothing more than a wayward soul with a wish to be something more.

We are not the heroes of battle, we are the combat medics keeping them alive, the support fleet keeping their enemy from fleeing, and their supply chain that carries them through. We are not Heroes, but because of us you will be.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-17 21:41:30
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