

HIV Allah Dean
Poonswarm Federation
Name HIV Allah Dean
Ticker AID.S
Alliance Poonswarm Federation
Faction -
Ceo Methamphetameme
Members 24
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98524686

Members [24]


Definition of HIV Allah Dean

The scriptures of the blessed Rob Giles, our Lord and Saviour.

(Giles 420:69) Fear not fellow Poons our Lord and Saviour Rob Giles (pbuh) will rise on the first day, post his podding. Far superior to even the Christian's puny Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ who took 72 hours; which is weak and pathetic.

(Giles 350:1) On the 69th day the Lord and Saviour Rob Giles (pbuh) created Shadowpewl. He sculpted him the finest set of knockers only bested by Cinnamon at the Landing Strip, 'First-class in Adult Entertainment' located in Michigan.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 00:43:39
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