

Hall Of Flame
Name Hall Of Flame
Ticker HOF.
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo MAriumB
Members 9
Tax Rate 3%
corporationID 499130924

Members [9]


u'CEO Flamewarrior

Recuritment: Flamewarrior, Avbar

we live in Fihrneh

Hall Of Flame

WE ALSO TEACH NEWBIE!!! SO JOIN NOW~~ WE also hope to enable members to achieve self efficient so they can make isk on their own, but also join in for LARGE operation =) most importantly we are looking to expand our corp by upgrading our member\'s power such as their pvp skills, isk wallet =)

Send inquires to CEO/Director via ingame mail.

We are currently Recuriting Mission Runner/ Exp Pvper

long term goal: Increase our numbers of member as much as we could =)

Recruiting: All Races Welcome!!! we Kill with honor!

Hall of Flame is now recruiting! Weekly ops include:
- Best possible Mining bonuses
- PvP Wing
- Team Speak server
- International Crew + Good Brains


All corp members treated as equal except for the slaves.

Corp Insurance on ships. 1 month induction

\u25baPvP \u25baSmall - Mid Fleets \u25baLow sec Raids \u25baTS & KB

If you are not Part of the Flame, u suffer the world of PAIN







Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-22 00:43:43
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