

Hard Corp
Name Hard Corp
Ticker HCRP
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Admiral Moneybags
Members 8
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 702209103

Members [8]


For diplomacy issues or Joining information contact:
Gareth Orkney - Recruiter

The following are the current requirements required of all pilots seeking membership with [H]ARD Corp. The requirements are listed roughly in order of importance:

[H]ARD is a relatively small corporation, but we do not let that get in our way. The corporation's attitude towards prospering in EVE is that there is no job too big, and no system too dangerous. We pride ourselves on our ability to overcome challenges with determination and ingenuity, and where appropriate calculated risk taking. We look for the same attitude and mentality in our members.

Our members are not risk adverse, nor are they fool-hardy. When faced with challenges/obstacles, we expect members to be able to weigh up risks vs. rewards, find ways to reduce risk, and apply their solution methodically and effectively. Failure should be seen as a learning experience from which a better solution can be derived. Fear should be approached as an obstacle begging to be overcome.

Initiative and Responsibility
Members are expected to show initiative, and to desire to shoulder responsibility. A corporation is the members comprising it, and it is up to the members to make the corporation what it should be, and steer the corporation to where it should go. A certain degree of sacrifice is expected from members. Whether this be temporarily putting aside your solo activities to assist the corporation, or relocating yourselves to be nearer to corp. mates.

[H]ARD has minimum skillpoint requirement of 5 million. We believe in recruiting newer pilots, introducing them to EVE, and training them in their chosen profession, but the basics need to be learned first.

[H]ARD believes in giving complete freedom to our members with regards to the profession they wish to pursue. The corporation may subsidise members for skillbooks for skills that the corporation is particularly in need of.

[H]ARD places no age restrictions on membership, however, we expect all members to conduct themselves with maturity, and decorum as the situation warrants.

[H]ARD places no race restrictions on membership. Note, however, that regardless of your race, you will be expected to participate in corporation operations, wherever they may be held. As of the writing of this notice, the corporation's operations are focused mainly in the vicinity of the Metropolis, Sinq Laison, Citadel and The Forge regions.

Our offices are located in:
Ashi VI - Moon 5 - Khanid Transport Storage

Aubenall V - Moon 9 - Combined Harvest Warehouse

Iro XI - Quafe Company Factory

Oursulaert VII - Moon 3 - Astral Mining Inc. Mining Outpost

Tew VII - Imperial Academy School

Join the Hard-Recruiting channel for more details.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 08:46:19
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