

Haunted House
Name Haunted House
Ticker HILL
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo letni Smith
Members 24
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1786852715

Members [24]


Open_House All nationalities/interests/etc who-ever you are, you're welcome.

This is Haunted House, a home for those in-between, a little bit lost, vagabond spirits riding the cosmic space-lanes.

Based in Amarr low-sec.

You stand before a darkened doorway
Stairs before you rise.
Windows flanking on either side
Like square, accusing eyes.
No one dwells in this house now.
The walls are bare and cold.
The people who used to live here,
Have long moved and grown old.
Although no one has died within,
There lives an inhuman host.
Memories and dreams that linger on,
Have since become it's ghost.
Echoes of children's laughter,
The very essence of life.
Peal down the hallways,
Piercing the silence like a knife.
While your'e in you feel it,
Nothing ever dies.
The wood that creaks beneath your feet,
Are the house's tired sighs.
A house like this can't be replaced.
New is not neccessarilly good.
The energy of the people who have come and gone,
Lives on in the rotting wood.

We are everywhere, sent to the 55 corners of EVE. Look out if we are hunting you...

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 07:30:39
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