

Heavy Metal Universe
Name Heavy Metal Universe
Ticker HMU
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Lady Verner
Members 13
Tax Rate 0.5%
corporationID 587413024

Members [13]


We know that you are f***ing CRAZY!

The words go >Heavy - Metal - Universe<
Is that clear? >Heavy - Metal - Universe<
one... two.. one, two: it's a >heavy metal universe<
That was not even a small City.
Not a Universe, so let's try to reach the Universe, you're Ready?
one... two.. one, two: it's a >Heavy Metal Universe<
Acceptable but not good!
one... two.. one, two: it's a >Heavy Metal Universe!<
Give me one more and i want you to blow the f***ing roof off,ok?
Can you do that? Can you really do that?
one... two.. one, two: it's a >!!HEAVY METAL UNIVERSE!!<

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-25 19:47:16
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