

Name Heidelberg.
Ticker HDBG.
Alliance Dracarys.
Faction -
Ceo what'sYourMeaning LittleObjector
Members 47
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98768929

Members [47]


u' Heidelberg.
\u6d77 \u5fb7 \u5821
Comprehensive Nullsec Corporation

The ocean embraces a thousand streams ,
Possess both virtue and talent.

We from Chinese server , Serenity and Singularity.
Our corporation has a long and storied history, established in 2012.
We arrived here due to our disappointment with the Chinese server\'s overhaul and less players, to continue our never-ending journey.


Recruitment\uff1aOPEN \u6b63\u5728\u62db\u52df
We look forward to the addition of new friends.

CEO\uff1axidisoft QQ\uff1a627080927\uff08CN\uff09'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 04:40:54
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