

HellCorp Inc.
Name HellCorp Inc.
Ticker HC-I
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Dragons Breath
Members 20
Tax Rate 9.2%
corporationID 1575808598

Members [20]


HellCorp Inc. is a full-spectrum corporation, encapsulating all walks of EVE into an ordered structure.

We are expanding our ranks once again - one of the oldest EVE corporations, we are bringing our vast experience and wealth to the masses. We welcome Alpha Clones. We pay our members ISK salaries. We provide Ships, Ammo and Fittings, plus so much more!

Recruitment Currently: PARTIALLY OPEN (G=Open, R=Closed, Y=Get In Touch)
- Mining Corps
- Logisitics Federation
- Manufacturing Industries
- PVE Platoon
- PVP Squadron
- Sergeant / Staff Roles

Contact Dragons Breath

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 07:20:43
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