

Hellfire Mining Company
Name Hellfire Mining Company
Ticker -HFM-
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Suki Ku
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98285517

Members [1]


Bustin Rocks From Here To Hell!


We are a hisec corporation that employs pilots to mine ore and ice, with which we build ships and maintain towers.


Education and advice from experienced players.

A fun and easy-going playing environment with a group of enjoyable and interesting corp-mates.

Free ship replacement of mining craft whether in fleet or mining solo.

A greater ISK/minute when in corp fleet.

Chances for skill-based advancement.

Entry into low and null security based corporations and alliances.

Access to free manufacturing and research facilities.

Advantages while mining in corp-based systems.


-Mining Ore-

When mining in corp fleet you will fly under an industrial command ship which supplies ample bonuses to your mining yield. These ships also allow you to mine nonstop as you will not have to haul your ore from the mining field. Your ore will then be bought at half the bonused percentage by the corp at full, non-taxed Jita-Standard (i.e.: if you mine under a +30% command we will buy your ore at -15% Jita-Standard.)

After mining solo you may have us refine your ore with 100% proficiency at no cost to you. These materials are yours to do with as you please.

You may also choose to invest your ore into our ship-building operations. You would relinquish the ore to one of our corp handlers and receive a receipt. Your ore will be used to help build a capital ship or a batch of sub-capital ships. When the ship or ships are sold, your ore will be paid for at full Jita Standard with no tax.

-Tower Services-

you may browse our stock of well-researched blueprints and create usable or sellable items for yourself. You would give the appropriate minerals to a corp handler who will have them made into your desired items and deliver them to you upon completion.

You may wish to collect your own blueprints and sell, copy, or use them once researched (which we will gladly do for you at no cost.)

You may take personal advantage of our towers which are strategically placed in systems with good mining (and sometimes ice) and no stations. This allows you to mine, dump, and switch ships without leaving system to do so.

-Mining Ice-

Ice will be bought at the same rate as ore when mined in fleet. When mined solo, we will also refine it for you at no cost.

-As an Advanced Pilot-

You may prefer to fly exhumers of your own. While exhumers (even skiffs) are not protected under corp policy for ship replacement, we will have sanctioned fleets which fly under military protection where they may be used. During these times as a miner, you may take advantage of their bonuses for higher ISK without the risk or losing your ship.

You may choose to fly Industrial Command and lead fleets for us. If you do, your corpo-mates who fly barges will be paid by corp and the ore you collect from them will be calculated by percentage of the total mineral/ISK amount of the ship or ships it is used to build. You will then be paid by equal percentage upon its sell.

-Free Jump Clones-

After a trial time (usually about a month) with the corp you be allowed to make a Jump Clone through us at no cost.


we will buy your initial mining barge for you (if necessary.). If you lose a doctrine-fitted ship in hisec while mining outside of any wardec (whether in or out of fleet) we will replace the vessel at no cost to you.

For advanced pilots, you will provide your own initial ships. If they are lost during corp ops then we will replace it free of charge, considering that they are fit to doctrine and observing our procedures.


We expect you to keep standings above -5 with all factions and a positive standing (security status) with CONCORD.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-03 21:40:50
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