

Helpers of People in EvE .HLD
Name Helpers of People in EvE .HLD
Ticker M8TZ
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Kysandra Khalifa
Members 4
URL http:// COMING SOON!!!!!
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 98655923

Members [4]


We are a group of Helpful people wanting to help those NEW to eve grow and prosper!

We're a High and Low sec corp called Mates (M8TZ) that is aiming towards helping new people who have just joined EvE and want to learn about it.

As we grow from strength to strength, so will we open up other avenues for people to decide in which direction they want to go in.
All we ask for is that you are active!

What we offer :

* A safe space to learn and grow.
* A group of willing people who want to help you.
* Mining Fleets.
* Mission Fleets.
* Ore Buyback

(Coming soon)

* NMI (New M8TZ Initiative programme)
* Hauling

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-21 23:57:30
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