

United Interests
Name Here-Now-Me
Ticker HRNWM
Alliance United Interests
Faction -
Ceo Rankyn Fuyle
Members 4
Tax Rate 10%
corporationID 98488107

Members [4]


u'Our collective corp is committed to the support, development, and defense of each of its individual members and their interests. Each individual member is committed to helping the corp achieve this one goal.

We value teamwork, brotherhood, and loyalty.

Fleet operations in all types of space, from highsec to wormhole.
Industrial and supporting operations primarily take place in higsec space, as well as training and PvE.

Organized fleet mining, PvP, and strategic operations happen in nulsec and wormhole space on a regular basis.

While each of our members travels his own path, be it industrial or combat, all paths converge on the same goal- to support the corp, and each individual member, in achieving their goals. To that end, all members achieve basic competence and capabilities in barge mining, frigate-scale PvP, and fleet ops.

There are three points to our creed, represented by the three stars in our flag:

\u2606 Here
- My battlefield is right here.
Whether it\'s mining on a belt, producing ships at a factory. or hunting intruders in our area of operation- this is my battlefield. This is how I fight.

\u2606 Now - I will answer the call to arms now.
My one obligation is to prepare for this one eventuality- to answer the call to defend and advance the interests my brothers and our corp. Whatever our individual specialties, we bring the collective whole of our strengths to bear against any and all who would threaten or hinder our efforts.

\u2606 Me - To get to you, the enemy will have to go through me.
I will hunt and destroy any pilots hostile to our corp or its allies. I will respond to distress calls and actively keep watch for my brothers and our friends.

Contact Dwerth Taymor for more information, or join channel Recruiting Here.

Come fly with us. Find glory and honor fighting to advance the interests of a loyal brotherhood of pilots, and we will work with you to advance your own.

With dedicated pilots working together, our corp is greater than the sum of its individual parts. The collective team can be stronger, wiser, braver, and have far greater reach than anyone who might threaten our members, or hinder our plans.'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 06:43:14
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