

High-Sec Heroes
Name High-Sec Heroes
Ticker H-SHS
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Carlvagio
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 98284739

Members [6]


High-Sec Heroes was founded by the entire community of miners from throughout High-Sec. The concerned citizens of High-Sec decided to pool their considerable resources and take the problem of bots, and bot-aspiration head on. After all, its better to take the trash out yourself, rather than wait around for the problem to solve itself. High-Sec is hurt, and needs help recovering. But there are those among us who would see our beautiful High-Sec bled dry and desolate; for their lust for ISK knows no bounds. These greedy rebels are a menace to everything that New High-Sec stands for.

We here at High-Sec Heroes recognize James 315 as the sole and supreme legal authority throughout all of High-Sec. We respect the democratic process and humbly submit to the constitution of High-Sec, The New Halamia Code of Conduct (The Code), as drafted by our Dear Leader James 315, based on the wishes of the entire community of High-Sec. Please visit for details about the Code and how you can become part of the solution to the miner question. The future is now. Long live New High-Sec.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-19 19:17:10
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